Here it is! The Best of Winter Art lessons from my site.
Bill Waterson was a genius when he created his Calvin and Hobbes comic strips. I especially love the winter scenes! It truly taps into a Magical Time of childhood when the world was my playground. And, it reminds me to re-enter that lens and try to see through my childhood eyes again.
In this, my Best of Winter Art post, I share all of the artwork I did with my classes in TK-8th grade. We explored a variety of skills, different types of techniques and an assortment of tools.
Elements of Art and Principles of Design of all kinds are featured in these lessons. Check out the Color Theory of Warm and Cool Colors in the Melting Snowman, Lines and Patterns in the Radian Snowflake and Hot Cocoa Mug, and Movement in the Ice Skating lesson, to name a few.
These lessons also integrate with a variety of Common Core Standards. Winter is a wonderful opportunity to connect science as the changing season affects animals, plants and humans alike! There are opportunities for math, language arts and even social studies in this unit.
Best of Winter Art Lessons
Transitional Kindergarten
Melting Snowman

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