Excellent resources for keeping art alive through summer vacation, distance learning and just having creative fun!
When we went into Quarantine for Covid, my school immediately went onto Google Classroom. I needed to gather art lessons for grades TK-8th grade and post something everyday. I needed to consider that not all students had access to supplies and in most cases even parent help. So I came up with these ideas. Some are my own invention, others are from geniuses all over Pinterest who inspired me to inspire my students. I hope these help you keep art alive.
Elements of Art Support
Magic Color Pendulum

Here is a fun science art connection! These balls are all hanging from the wooden beam. As they swing, they will naturally create groups. In this magic color pendulum, rainbow colored balls swing through the air creating Color Theory enchantment. This project covers Common Core Standards for Science for grades K-8 which can be found at the end of the lesson.
I have featured this lesson on this site, Leahnewtonart.com. Click Here
Color Scavenger Hunt

Color is one of the most important elements of art. Go on a Color Scavenger Hunt! See how many things you can find in each color. Maybe race a family member and see if you can do it timed! You can even challenge yourself to find variations of a color…light blue and dark blue for instance. See if it is different trying to find certain colors outside vs. inside. Find as many ways as you can to find color around you.
Color Scavenger Hunt from iheartcraftythings.com: Click Here
The Colors Song | Art Songs | Scratch Garden: Click Here
Sesame Street: OK Go – Three Primary Colors: Click Here
The Color Song: A Funny Song: Click Here (My students love to dance to this one)
Geometric Shapes Challenge

Shape is one of the most important elements of art. I love this activity that can span several days, focusing on a different shape each day. This is fantastic for toddlers and grown up kids alike. I love how a simple shape can insight all kinds of imagination!
Geometric art printable from agirlandagluegun.com: Click Here
52 Weeks of Drawings

The Paper Mama has fabulous resources for anyone wanting to improve their drawings or just doodle for mindfulness. I used this with my own students. I told them they could use the weekly challenge or do one daily. If they wanted to just pick and choose what to draw that was okay too! I just wanted to offer a resource to get their brains inspired. Thank you Paper Mama!
The Paper Mama: 52 Weeks of Drawings: Click Here
Virtual Museums
Virtual Disneyland

There are so many great virtual museums out there right now. But lets head to one of my favorite creative places, Disneyland! Here is a great resource another teacher put together, of several Disneyland rides you can ride from your couch. You won’t even get wet on splash mountain!
Enjoy this – the most creative place on earth. I encourage you to design a future Disneyland ride this weekend. Dream it up, draw it out, who knows maybe you will become an Imagineer!
Professor Proton: Virtual Disneyland Trip: Click Here
Virtual Art Museums

You can go on any famous Art Museum website and take a virtual tour. But, for kids, seeing the artwork alongside a reproduction done in a creative way is not only more fun, I believe it also inspires an extension of creativity!
Museum Challenges Fans To Recreate Masterpieces And Here Are The Best 25 from inspiremore.com: Click Here
Can you recreate famous artworks at home? Getty Museum challenges people to remake masterpieces from thenational.ae: Click Here
Famous Art Masters
Joan Miro

In this Art Master study, students learn about famous artist Joan Miro. They will study his work, his style and create their own abstract piece. This project covers Common Core Standards for Language Arts for grades K-8 which can be found at the end of the lesson.
I have featured this lesson on this site, Leahnewtonart.com. Click Here
Wassily Kandinsky

In this Wassily Kandinsky lesson, students of all ages will learn about this remarkable art master, and create their own art by listening to music.
While teaching this lesson, you will cover many curricular topics including music theory, lines, color theory, and geometry. I normally teaching my lessons in person. Therefore, most of my lessons usually include a final frame-able product. However, in this lesson, students create art purely by listening to music. As a result, I did not focus on a final product. Instead I focused more on the the experience of making the art.
I have featured this lesson on this site, Leahnewtonart.com. Click Here
O’Keeffe Inspired Close Ups

Have you noticed things in your home that you never noticed before? Every once in a while I walk by something and see it a new way.
This lesson, while intended for middle and high school level students, includes ideas to use for children as young as 4 years old. Teaching kids the art of looking for details and finding texture and design in everything is huge.
In this O’Keeffe Inspired Close Ups lesson, students will create detailed images by zooming in on objects. This project covers Common Core Standards for Science for grade 7 which can be found at the end of the lesson.
I have featured this lesson on this site, Leahnewtonart.com. Click Here
Sonia Delaunay

Here is a great lesson about another Art Master – Sonia Delaunay. Even though I originally taught this lesson to middle school students, I think all grade levels will enjoy learning about how she used shapes and colors to make her art.
She is very famous for painting, but also for designing clothing, furniture, and even cars! She is the first woman to ever have an art showing at the Louvre Museum in France.
Go on a shapes hunt around your house. Look especially for circles and triangles. See if any of your parent’s clothing, or the furniture in your house has these shapes on them. Find some round things around your house, trace circles on paper and color them!
Middle school students will love making this dramatic art lesson while learning about Sonia Delaunay and her influence on the art world. This project covers Common Core Standards for Math at a variety of grade levels but especially grades 7- 8 which can be found at the end of this lesson.
I have featured this lesson on this site, Leahnewtonart.com. Click Here
Mixed Media Art Collage

Today’s lesson is on Mixed Media Art. This type of art combines paint, scissors, glue, crayons, magazines, newspapers etc. Anything you can glue onto a page or canvas can be used to make this type of art.
I have featured this lesson on this site, Leahnewtonart.com. Click Here
Domino Activity

I absolutely love the creative minds of OK GO. They make amazing videos that inspire all kinds of creative thinking. I encouraged my students to watch this video, and when time allowed, just for fun, make a small scale domino at home. They made some very creative uses of couches and items they found around their homes. I highly recommend looking these guys up on Youtube. They have sooo many awesome videos exploring all kinds of aspects of art.
OK Go – This Too Shall Pass – Rube Goldberg Machine – Official Video: Click Here
Best Paper Airplanes

Combining art and science, folding paper airplanes is engaging and creative learning for all ages.
Here is a fun activity learning how to make paper airplanes. I include connections to fine arts as well as multiple sites for learning to make a variety of types of fliers. Make sure to decorate your airplane with designs!
I have featured this lesson on this site, Leahnewtonart.com. Click Here
Paint, Play-dough, Slime and More!

I searched and searched for the best recipes for homemade art supplies. Look no further than Mother Could! She has wonderful recipes along with great advice and activities especially for younger children. Check out her website and Instagram!
Mother Could Website: Click Here
Follow her on Instagram: Click Here
iSpy Games

I used these several times with my students. They are fun and encourage coloring within the lines while looking for line details.
Check them out at Papertraildesign.com: Click Here
Blow Paint Straw Art

This is a super fun project for all ages. There are directions for how to do it, but you mostly just need a straw, some food coloring or liquid water colors and paper. There are so many opportunities for how to make creative things from blowing paint around. Check out these links for some ideas and then come up with your own!
Blow Paint Art Creatures from The Pinterested Parent: Click Here
Blow Painting with Straws (with Video) from The Artful Parent: Click Here
Scream Blow Art Project from Art Projects for Kids: Click Here
Photo Challenge Game

Art does not just need to be about drawing and painting. Here is a fun activity where you can seek out or create photo moments right from your home! Please make sure to ask for permission from an adult in order to use a phone or pad for this project.
Photo Challenge for Kids: Check out the lesson at Playtivities.com: Click Here
Sidewalk Chalk

This is a fun way to create art AND spread joy in your neighborhood.
Our family used chalk to make a Fitness Challenge…a great Art/PE connection! One neighbor’s kid did our course 14 times! Think of fun things for them to follow on the path like skipping in loops, walk wide, or in a zig-zag. We made easy, medium and Extreme challenge levels. Imagine doing 10 bur-pees, walk while spinning on a zig-zag line, and end by having a dance moment! Whew! Make sure a parent is there to supervise you and keep you safe.
Simple Sidewalk Chalk Gross Motor Activities from pinkoatmeal.com: Click Here
Imagine what awesome things you can also draw on the ground! I have included some awesome links for sites who have taken sidewalk chalk to a whole other level. Think of ways you could decorate your driveway if you have one. Take photos of yourself in your drawings.
* Draw colorful balloons, lay down on the ground and pretend you are flying away with a handful of them. (Have someone take a picture of this great optical illusion.)
* Pretend you are being chased by dinosaurs or getting eaten by sharks. These are so fun to draw in a large scale and then photograph yourself interacting with your drawings.
* Draw large butterflies and flowers and pretend you are one inch tall living in a garden.
Here are some great ideas – 22 Totally Awesome Sidewalk Chalk Ideas from Onelittleproject.com: Click Here
Super Heroes

What does it mean to be strong? How are you showing strength in your life? How are you being brave? Are you being helpful? Consider how you are lifting up or carrying up the most hearts?
In pop culture, we see all kinds of heroes with superpowers. Men and women with amazing physical strength that help fight crime and make the world a better place. An entire comic book industry thrives on this! And the man behind the magic is a man named Stan Lee. His work reminds us that through art, we can make a difference in this world. We can inspire joy, and hope, and dreams. We can all be great…No capes!!!
I have featured this lesson on this site, Leahnewtonart.com. Click Here
Gratitude Art

I have been spending the past couple of days trying to shift my focus to all the things I am grateful for. Here are some awesome activities for you to do that focus on what you can be thankful for. Gratitude is not just for November and Thanksgiving. It is something important for us to focus on year-round.
I painted small stones. I place them around my home and when I see one, I remember to think of something or someone for which I am grateful. What will you make? What are you grateful for?
Gratitude Boxes – Handmade Gifts for Kids from Mericherry.com: Click Here
Gratitude Stones from Craftyourhappiness.com: Click Here
Gallery of Gratitude from Cassiestephens.blogspot.com: Click Here
Shadow Art

Here is a simple but fun activity using shadows and any drawing or painting supplies you have on hand. Check out two incredible images I found online for making art with shadows. This activity can happen indoors or outdoors. I bet you won’t look at a shadow the same way again!
Creating with Shadows – Home Learning Video from theartyteacher: Click Here
The Lion Guard Shadow Art from family.disney.com: Click Here
Shadow Drawing Project from simplemost.com : Click Here
Scratch Art

This was one of my favorite things to do as a kid! And this is a great idea for parents who have a lot of old crayons that are down to stubs.
Using simple copy paper, apply a layer of colorful crayon, heavily, so it builds up a waxy layer. Cover the entire paper and mix up chunky layers of colors. Next, use either a black crayon or black paint and cover the entire page. If you use paint, let it dry.
Find a sharp object like a large paper clip. Tacks and very small screwdrivers work, too! Scratch your design and watch the color show through the black where you scratch.
Black Scratch Art from agirlandagluegun.com: Click Here
Sweet Treats

I cannot think of anything more summery than cold sweet ice cream. Expressive Monkey has this on Teachers Pay Teachers for $3.50. That is about the cost of a scoop of ice cream! The bundle includes directions for making cakes and cupcakes as well. I love her simple directions to encourage anyone who thinks they cannot draw. So fun I could just eat it up!
Teachers Pay Teachers – Expressive Monkey: Drawing Sweet Treats: Click Here
Online Art Fun

While there is nothing like making art with your own two hands, there are many wonderful online platforms for creating art. Here are a few of my favorites.
Tate Kids Tate.org.uk/kids
Tate is the UK home of British art. This online resource is chalk full (see what I did there) of wonderful games, quizzes and online canvases for making art. I highly recommend you check them out! Click Here
This site has gathered some of the biggest names in online art hubs. From scholastic to Smithsonian, NASA to PBS kids and everything in between, this is a one stop shop. Click Here
The Iris blogs.getty.edu
How to Use Google Art Transfer to Make Your Photos into Works of Art. The Getty allows you to upload your photos and turn them into famous works of art! Check it out! Click Here
AI Gahaku
What if you were featured in a famous piece of art? The AI artist named “AI Gahaku” generates a masterpiece from your photo. Take your selfie, upload it, and watch the magic happen! Click Here
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