The Blessed Sacrament is the main focus for Lent, and this meaningful art lesson honoring the Monstrance used to display the Eucharist. This project covers Common Core Standards for Religion for grades K-3.
Grade Level
Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd 3rd grade. This project was created by 2nd grade students.
Objective for Blessed Sacrament Art
Elementary students will draw a monstrance complete with painted radiant light and a host representing Jesus.
4 – 30 min lessons
- Black Sharpie Marker – Sharpie Permanent Marker, Fine Point, Black, Pack of 5
- 9×12 Watercolor paper – Canson (100510941) XL Series Watercolor Pad, 9″ x 12″, Fold-Over Cover, 30 Sheets
- Brushes – Acrylic Paint Brush Set, 1 Packs / 10 pcs Nylon Hair Brushes for All Purpose Oil Watercolor Painting Artist Professional Kits
- Gold crayons – Crayola Bulk Crayons, Gold, 12 Count
- Gold Sharpie – Sharpie Metallic Permanent Markers, 3 Count
- Yellow paint (even better when mixed with some gold paint)
- Elmer’s 2022912 Liquid Glitter Glue, Washable, Gold, 6 Ounces, 1 Count
- White copy paper or construction paper for Host.
I made this project from this awesome site Catholic Icing: Click Here and
Instruction with Questions
Depending on your use of this lesson or your time allotted, this is a great version of Holy Week by The Beginners Bible series.
The Story of Easter – The Beginners Bible
Discuss what a Monstrance is.
Please explain: what is a monstrance?
This site ThewordisCatholic is also an amazing resource for all things related to Adoration and the Blessed Sacrament. There is historical and symbolic background on the Monstrance.

A simple google search on Google images will provide not only a variety of Monstrance styles but you can also marvel at the variety of prices. Some pieces sell for tens of thousands of dollars.

Pass out these handouts from Look to Him and be Radiant. You many choose to only focus on one set of Works or include both. I love teaching the students about how the word “corporal” mean body. So what things do we do to take care of our bodies? This helps make the whole idea make more sense.
This sheet can be used as a coloring page, and also as a reference for their own drawings about each of the Works of Mercy. This can be a great connection to the focus of the Eucharist being the Body of Christ. When we take communion we are literally filling our body with Christ so we can go into the world and be other’s centered as Jesus taught us to be.

Prior to the lesson, trace a round lid or object that is approximately 3.5″ – 4″ in diameter in an area just above the middle of the page.
Show the examples of Monstrances on the overhead and note that they are symmetrical and detailed. Guide them on how to make a base and design the area surrounding the traced circle. Once they have finished with pencil, have them trace over them with black or gold sharpie. If you have gold crayons, have them color the piece in with gold.

Have students work on the coloring sheets while you pull them aside and paint their hand. I tried this a variety of ways. You can get two handprints per paint job FYI. You can simply do “North South East and West” style glowy hands, or corner pockets, or a combination.
Trace part of a circle onto a folded strip of white construction paper. This will be the Host in the center of the Monstrance. Students cut out the circle leaving the folded edge and glue it to the middle.
They can use their sharpie or crayon to add a cross to the front of the Host.
Also, give each student a small “Jesus” to cut out and glue on the inside of their Host.
Print them out from Catholic Inspired.com

Finally, add some glitter glue to the rays.

This is a wonderful project!
Thank you! I am so glad you enjoyed it.